How to talk to your kids about sexual health

How to talk to your kids about sexual health

Thank you, Jane, from Vancouver Coastal Health for presenting to our parent community at today’s Chat ‘n Chew. Clearly this is a topic all parents are interested in! Below is Jane’s presentation plus a ton of great resources that she was kind enough to share with us. Let’s build out that Parent Library!.

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Power Point Presentation

Websites & Videos

Scarleteen website:

·         For teens and emerging young adults

·         Can be word heavy but easily readable and could be a good place for parents to start getting ideas about conversations to have with their pre-teens

·         Quickies (shorter reads):

Scarleteen website – Graphic novel for essential topics for preteens and young teens

Gender unicorn website:

·         Website currently under development (today October 4, 2019) but talks about gender and sexual identity as a spectrum

PowerPoint – the last 3-4 slides have more resources and video links which I have copied below for anyone who might have trouble opening powerpoint:

Planned parenthood video – how to talk to your preteen about sexual health

Talking to preschoolers about body parts

How to talk to your child about healthy relationships

AmazeEducational, age appropriate, sometimes humorous videos on sex education for kids (amaze jr.) and young adults (amaze)
KidsHealthInformation for kids, teens, and parents on various health topics.
Healthlinkbc “Talking With Your Child About Sex”Basic tips and information on starting to talk to your child about sex.
Options for Sexual HealthSexual and reproductive resources – webpages, sex education, clinics.
Planned ParenthoodEducational webpages. (Note: services are American).
Sex & UWebpages on contraception, consent, sexuality, STIs.
SexplainerBlog with guidance for parents on “how to raise sexually intelligent kids”.
Smart Sex ResourceTips on discussing sexual health with children. Run by the BCCDC.
Teachingsexualhealth.caInformation and tools on various topics – sexual health, puberty, technology & media, etc.


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