Learn about the new tech proposal


A quick recap of last PAC meeting and what’s to come

Teachers’ tech committee wants to replace obsolete iPads

Check out the section titled Tech Survey and Needs-January 2018 in the draft minutes from January 30th’s PAC meeting. The request is for $3115 to replace 7 of the oldest iPads that are not compatible with all apps and cannot air drop student projects.

Let’s start a conversation and be ready to vote on this at our Feb. 27th PAC meeting. Send any thoughts, questions or concerns to info (at) vanhornepac(dot)com

Laura Kine joins the PAC Exec with a mission to create opportunities for YOU

It’s our goal to give any interested Van Horne parent an opportunity to get actively involved. It’s rewarding and fun. With that in mind, we’re very fortunate to have gained the passion and talents of Laura Kine in the role of Volunteer Coordinator. Laura’s out to create an army of volunteers. Her first request to the community is “Consider taking one volunteer shift per school term“.

You can reach Laura at volunteer(at)vanhornepac(dot)com and you can view current volunteer opportunities www.vanhornepac.com/opportunities 

Stronger together!

As someone who was not actively involved in the PAC until last year, I now have a greater appreciation for the effort put in by those of you who did the heavy lifting in the past to build community, raise money to support our teachers/kids and to keep the PAC machinery rolling. It’s not easy and it’s very rewarding.

As we settle into the second half of the school term, I’d like to thank everyone for their support and participation as the new PAC executive gained our footing. Collectively, we’ve accomplished some great things. We continued a hot lunch program that takes one task off a busy parent’s plate; we’ve raised $8.7K out of our target of $10K; and we passed various funding motions, such as: getting new primary readers to excite young readers; supporting the construction of an outdoor classroom; celebrating Lunar New Year and educating the community on parenting (and growing up) in the digital age.

These worthy initiatives only happen because of your support in a number of forms; whether it’s your active involvement (volunteering); buying hot lunch or the occasional bag of popcorn (fundraising) or simply being easy to reach through emailFacebook or notes in backpacks. Thank you!

As we continue to build capacity and create new opportunities, I invite you to see if there’s a role that interests you. We have immediate opportunities for a writer, a web designer and a graphic designer. Email me at chair(at)vanhornepac(dot)com or accost me on the schoolgrounds if any of these positions interest you.

Let me take a final moment to acknowledge those who answered the call and joined the Executive team. Tom & Martha Flower joined as our Parent Ed duo and they have some amazing speakers lined up. Hilary Statton joined as our Inclusivity Coordinator (we already have diversity!). Laura Kine joined as our Volunteer Coordinator. It’s easier to not take these positions on, so I want to thank these folks for putting in the effort.

See you at next PAC meeting!

Gregg Sayer

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